Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cutest Baby Mobile

This is really a cute baby mobile! I ran into it over at  - Here goes!

It really is very simple to make, just a little time consuming. All you need is:

1) A wire wreath frame. You can pick it up at Michael's or Hobby Lobby for a few bucks. The one pictured is the 12" wreath, but they have larger and smaller sizes it's up to you. Spray paint it whatever color you want. 

2) Chandelier Crystals. The ones used in the picture are octagon-shaped, clear, 18mm, and have 2 holes (one on each end). I hear you can purchase these crystals on Ebay or Etsy.

3) Fishing line. To hang the crystals use #6 pound test and to hang the mobile use as large as you can find, like #30 pound test so the mobile will be secure.

4) Fabric or whatever you decide to use to hide the wreath frame (or you can just leave it painted, it's up to you). Pictured above muslin was used, but use your imagination. 

5) Sheetrock anchor with screw. Get something pretty hefty, like something that supports over 25lbs. 

Okay, first spray your wire frame (whatever color) let it dry. Then start tying the support strings first. Use the thicker fishing line for this. Cut 6 pieces of string about 2 feet long. One for each little "bump" in the wire frame. Tie one end of each string to the "bump" and then tie the other end of all 6 strings together. You can see what I mean here: bring them all up and tie them off.

The important thing is making sure the 6 stings are all the same length so it hangs level. If just one string is off, it will hang sideways (or "cattywampus" as I like to call it). Once you are sure it's level, go ahead and tie 2 or three more knots where all the strings come together. Then tie one long string to this knot (again, tie 2 or 3 knots). This is the string you will use to hang the mobile from the ceiling. Find something in your house you can temporarily tie it to while adding the crystals. This will save a lot of time from untangling.

Now add your crystals. The crystals have a hole on each end, so use separate pieces of string (#6 pound test) for each individual crystal. You don't have to measure the lengths of the line because you want it to be random in length. Some strands have two crystals, some three, some long, some short. Tie strings on the outer and inner rim so they won't be too close and tangle. Make sure you double or even triple knot tie everything, and give them a little tug once you get it on the frame to make sure it's secure. You don't want them falling in the crib! 

Now add your ruffle or whatever you decide to decorate the mobile with. 

If you're going to make this be patient, it's time consuming.

Now hang the mobile from the ceiling, but make sure you are using the right material. If you're not sure ask someone at the hardware store that knows a little bit about hanging something you want to be sturdy and not fall.


"Boy Bathroom Smell"

I am a cleaning fanatic crazed fanatic! Something that has really been bothering me for a while now is my guest bathroom. It has that "Boy Bathroom Smell" and to no avail how much I clean, scrub it the smell is just there. It's embarrassing and I often wonder if my guests smell it. So I started looking around on the Internet and found this tutorial. I'm going to try it, but thought I'd share it with you all too. Please leave me a message and let me know if this works for you. Thanks have a Blessed Wednesday, stay cool my friends. :) 

Question: Our front bathroom is pretty much used by our 2 boys. My problem is that I cannot get rid of that "boy bathroom smell." I scrubbed the bathroom last week, and have made a point to wipe things down and have them do it as well. I even replaced the toilet seat. It makes me want to go in there with a pressure washer full of bleach! Do you have any suggestions on how to get rid of that smell? I always worry guests can smell it too, unless I plug in the wax candle burner. 

Answer: Let's fix that problem with a few simple steps!

Here's what you will need:

Baking Soda
Lemon Juice (fresh is best)
White Vinegar
Damp Rag

Step 1: Mix a paste of baking soda and lemon juice. If you don't have lemon juice you can use water but lemon juice is a great disinfectant and great for removing odors. The consistency of the paste should be about that of pancake batter mix.

Step 2: Spread the paste all along the bottom of the toilet (where it meets the floor), the toilet seat, and any other area that gets a lot of over spray.

Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes.

Step 3: When the timer goes off spray the dried paste with the white vinegar and let it fizzle. Once it is done fizzing wipe it up with a damp cloth.

It's very important that you don't forget about the walls and/or cupboards on either side of the toilet. It's easy to remember to wipe the floor and the toilet but the walls and cupboards will also get sprayed and they will need to be wiped down regularly too. Spray them down with vinegar, let it sit on them for a few minutes and then wipe them down.

Cleaning the toilet, floor and walls at least once a week, with these steps, will keep the smell at bay and you won't have to worry about what your guests think anymore!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How To Clean Between Your Oven Door Glass

Hi ALL happy 2nd of July! Wow summer has come in with a bang here in Northern California. I must say I'm not a fan of the 100+ degree days so I'm finding things to do indoors. Anyway I came across this on Pinterest this afternoon. This is a great web site Ask Anna .  I don't know if this works, but I'm going to certainly check it out as my glass needs some help. 

Since writing the post on how to  clean the oven, I have received so many questions about how to clean between the oven window glass, so today I am finally posting a tutorial for you! 
Step 1: Remove the drawer from below the oven. 
Step 2: Build a cleaning contraption. Luckily I had saved a wire hanger from the dry cleaners, for just an occasion like this! 
I straightened the hanger and then attached a cleaning wipe to the hook on the end. Use a rubber band to secure the wipe, to make sure you don't lose it in between the glass! 
I recommend using a glass cleaner wipe, such as these Windex wipes.
Step 3: Lay down on the floor and look under the door of your oven. You will see slots between the oven door and the window glass, that look like these. 
Step 4: Slide the cleaning "contraption" up through the slats.
Push it up between the oven window glass, cleaning from side to side as you move it up, farther into the door. 
Step 5: Pull the cleaning "contraption" out of the slots when you are done cleaning between the window glass. If your glass is really dirty it might take a couple of wipes to get it all clean. I was surprised to see how dirty mine was!
Step 6: Enjoy your clean, streak-free oven door!
I found the information from this tutorial on this forum.